Tuesday 26 June 2007

Like That Also Can Ah? Can What... Why Cannot?

That is how most of us, the common, got to work like hell Malaysians speak. It's our style of expression. Expression of disbelief, expression of sarcasm, expression of surprised, expression of exasperation or simply expression of disinterest! So, it depends on the flow of conversation as to which expression "Like That Also Can Ah? Can What.. why Cannot?"belongs to. Examples..

Recently, all local newspapers had a field day reporting pages after pages, day after day about the court case of this Mongolian beauty that was murdered. In one of their reports, it was reported that, this now blown to pieces, Mongolian beauty and her still alive cousins' immigration entry into our country has been deleted and this has created problems for one of the alive cousin! She couldn't get out of Malaysia and had to go through a whole long mumbo-jumbo process just to go home. Immigration records deleted!? Like That Also Can Ah?? How can this be? Come to think of it, why cannot? Can What.. this is afterall Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!

Still on this blown to pieces Mongolian beauty, apparently, in yet again, another newspaper report, it was reported that the accused wife, a rather mad looking malay woman who reminds me of Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, came to court on the first day wearing a white t-shirt with her title, Mrs Razak Baginda, printed big and bold across her chess. If you think that was not screaming enough, check out the back of her t-shirt.. it says "... and proud of it!" Wahh.. talk about attention seeking.. talk about being a Mad Hatter!!! Like That Also Can Ah?? Can what.. Malaysian mah... I can see that such publicity was done in the name of support but for the life of me, I can think of another few ways to show support to your spouse in "pants on fire" situation.. one of it is not to appear looking like Mad Hatter! For all the women's sake, can someone tell Mrs Razak Baginda to go groom herself up. Prim up or whatever! What's with the old hag look?

Yah man!! Sometimes it just never fail to amaze me that some women just forget that they must live for themselves first than the rest of other people in their lives. I am talking about their looks and health. These women simply neglect these two aspect completely and think that they are doing everyone a great favor. Like That Also Can Ah?? Can what.... it's call Sacrifice mah. I called it craziness. Come on la! Looking all worn out and like something the cat dragged in last night is not exactly pleasing to anyone including ownself, set of eyes what more to the man of house. Let's be very realistic here, man are visually stimulated and whether we like it or not, men need to be stimulated! Well, in every aspect and not just looks but if the looks department is a goner, it won't be long before the other departments join in the goner club! When that happens, men will start looking around, fantasizing around which can be very dangerous as God only knows what is going on in that head with brains!

Yahhh.... I am putting the blame solely on women. Why not? What do you expect when you couldn't be bothered to even comb your hair!? Like That Also Can Ah?? Can What... Why cannot? Well, that is how life is if you want to keep your man happy and in return, he keep you very happy. Of course, you can take that "equal rights" stand and ra-ra about this but please don't cry blue murder when your man sprint faster than any Formula 1 cars to the arms of a sexy siren! Can right?

Oh! talking about right, the other day in the newspaper it was reported that we, the burnt to crisp looking Malaysians are in the midst of having a training center in some don't know how many miles from London town place. Apparently, the report went on to say that quite a large sum of money has been spent and nothing much to show for. The report also went on to say that the town council in UK has not received anything, no plans to renovate the existing place, which is heritage protected or situated in some green belt which can only mean one thing, leave the place as it is! All they, these town council people, had was a few meetings here and there to discuss. But on the other hand, the Ministry and all have come out and say that a lot has been done, progress is on going and yak yak yak... the report say. So, what is actually going on? Like That Also Can Ah?! Don't tell me "Can ah...Why Cannot?" Because it is cannot!! In the first place, do we really need to have a training center in some foggy cold and damp like freezer place to train our sportsmen? Developing potential sportsmen is good but wasting money is definitely not good and this is wasting money. Why so? Because it is in Sterling Pound that's why! I mean, if we are really looking for somewhere cold to train our sportsmen, why not go some cheap cold countries like say.. Siberia?? I am sure trainers and coach can be made available in Siberia and the price will be more than half of what we are going to pay or maybe have paid in Sterling Pound! Hmpf! Like that Also Can Lo!

Yes, there are plenty more of such "Like That Also Can Ah? Can What.. Why Cannot?" examples but at the moment, I just don't feel like writing them anymore. Perhaps in future, when I am in the mood to write about such examples, I will put in a continuation. Yes! Like That Also Can Ah? Of course Can La... it is the end of a work week! It's Friday and I am just waiting for the clock to hit 4pm and I am off! Happy weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

What the fuck haslina, pat lu and pearl..it is the minister right to say his opinions. Just to tell the SUN we know who you bastards are..

The minister is just protecting his turf while the SUN is promoting you bunch of losers.. so it may funny to you but it is serious to the malays.

You dont count marina malay she probably feel she is chinese..

Hawk Tan said...

Just want you to know, i was laughing reading your coment on Mahathir Blog. don't get me wrong, i was in fact very angry and upset with the petrol price increase. somehow ur comments tickle me coz i can really feel u r very piss off.
By the way great topic on your blog.keep it up.
Take care..life begin at 40 cheers


Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...

Hi, why the 'silence' after this posting in 2007?

Can't help being curious!

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Wed. 11th Mar. 2009.