Sunday 24 June 2007

What Pisses Me Off!

Lots of things! Which one shall I start with?

The government. Yup, most definitely the government. I shall start with the ones from the top! I am not trying to be political bias or incite a big internal war as it will not be of any benefit to me if there is no stablity in my home ground but some things just need to be said and say I shall!

It is true that not everyone will be happy with how the country is run but hey! sometimes, the mistakes or idiocrasies these head of government makes are simply unforgivable. How can these people who are entrust to uphold the law and govern with transparency make such glaring mistake? Perhaps I am too kind to think that it is a mistake. A genuine human error, an unintentional action that cause harm or disharmony, an oversight of things, lack of foresight, misinterpretation of meaning.. oh! the damn list can go on and on and on but the fact of the matter is, it is done wrong and everyone including Ahsoh, the roadside sweeper, knows it! Perhaps I should think like a lot of other blue MyKad holders who look beyond the innocence of the word mistake. It is intentionally done! It is no mistake... if they can pull it off. Yes, rather clever, try their luck and see if they can get away with murder and in the event they can't, they turn around and say, it is a mistake. Did these buggers sincerely think that nobody will question or probe if things look "scammy"? Or these buggers simply think that they are in control and will swat any busybodies who dare to probe or question. For crying out loud, mistakes cost all of us, the blue MyKad holders, money! Money that we bleed and shed tears for. We have to make lots of personal sacrifices just to contribute to the country's piggy bank and these so called leaders or heads of department or representatives got no decency to feel ashamed for making such blatantly stupid mistakes. Oh yes! I am still very nice to say it is a mistake and not some evil intention to cheat or steal or worse swindle us! These buggers simply got no moral.

But the best part is, these buggers can and will come out over and over again to talk about moral, to talk about responsibility, to talk about dedication, to talk about serving the country is a satisfaction beyond comprehension. Yah right! It is a satisfaction all right! Self gratification and satisfaction I must say! Doesn't it make you want to puke, roll over and just die!? Well, isn't our vote that put some of these buggers up there to make a mockery of us? It does and that's why I don't watch our local news. It is full of it and we think watching some Hong Kong made gangster movie is voilent.. than what is hearing someone repeatedly lie to us? A comedy??? What! Everybody Loves Raymond sitcom? Oh dear!!!!! Bugger!

Well, since we are governed by such buggers who goes around in their sleek expenso motor vehicle and police escort, what do you expect of the majority blue MyKad holders? Of course, a lot will follow or shall I say ape such antics. Oh yes, everyday I will have at least 1 close encounters of such horrifying antics. People who are rude and think nothing of it, infact they will just wham it right across my face and know that I will not want to stoop to their level to retaliate. Yup, try taking the train in the morning. There I will be standing at the door all cramped up with someone else's face inches away from my head, another human will have the audascity to compress me further in with their size just so that they can get in! I mean, the train is already full and what is wrong with waiting for the next!?? WHAT!? I have to wait for many trains to pass before I can get into one, so, what is the problem with waiting for the next? Or do these people think that if I could move further in, I will not? Are they blind or simply rude!? Is it any of my problem that such people got no time management or that the train management sucks!? No right!? I pay for the train ride too for goodness sake and definitely don't deserved to be squashed beyond recognition!

People who will try their upmost best to cheat you while the sun is still climbing up to start its day work. Oh yes! such people are aplenty! Crawling and milling amongst us. Not just the well dressed in posh areas, it is everywhere. What is wrong with these people? Don't they know that intentionally cheating someone is a crime and going to jail is not exactly holiday in the Bahamas! Or are such people trying to pull a fast one and hope that they can get away with the most common excuse, it was a mistake! Mistake my ass! Oops! sorry for such language.... Ooops...

People who are plain lazy. This, I have nothing to say except that if life have blessed them with fortune that they can lulled in, thank God! But if they are not so blessed and have to work for wages, it is a pure torture to those who have to put up with such nonsense! Such lazy people are shameless to the core and they are proud of it. They think everyone owes them a living! Try dealing with the hordes of government servant. From the Pengarah to the kerani, you will need to have the stamina of the olympics marathon runner to deal with them. They don't just make you run from floor to floor within the same ministry, they will also make you run inter-ministries! And the thought that they screamed they deserve a pay rise is a mockery to those who worked hard for a living. People like me who work mighty hard just to feed my daughter and myself! What does that make me? Will I be given some big time cash reward and some plastic throphy in recognition of being hardworking!? No... let's get this correct. Working hard and right is a basic human virtue. I do it not because I will be rewarded. I do it because it is required of me as a living soul who find joy and a sense of accomplishment over a job well done! Get it right, my fellow human!

People who simply don't have the right basic principals in life. I see such people everyday. I read about such people everyday. These people will complain and complain about how not right things are but yet, they refuse to do anything about their situation. Women who complain about how badly they are treated by the opposite sex but yet find excuses for the opposite sex and themselves. Parents who never did a day's worth of parenting but expect to be treated and lurved by their children. Bosses who criticize and cry foul over their employee's work but yet don't realise that they are paying peanuts, what do they expect if not monkey?? The basic principal in life is that you treat others how you would like to be treated. If you are not getting a fair deal, than move on. There is always that monster courage in us to move on if we so wishes but it is not without pains and heartaches. Nothing is without its price is another basic principal in life. So, never ever think that there is a free lunch somewhere and being weak is an excuse!

GOD!!! Living right is tough!

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