Monday 18 June 2007


Yup... my weekends always zoom pass by just like that and by Sunday, I will have this shocked out cat look on my face from doing too many things all at the same time. Yup... weekends are just like weekdays for me. Yup... it can get a bit overwhelming at times but most of the time, i enjoy every minute of it. That's life.

My typical weekend day starts at 7am with seeing my daughter up the school bus and I dash off for some much needed workout at the jungle. Nope, I don't swing from treetops to treetops. I just do my very best not to die while climbing and trekking the only jungle in Petaling Jaya. Sometimes it is not too bad, sometimes it is like as if I will just die there in the jungle and enrich all the flora around! Everytime without fail, at the peak of the most strenous part of the trek, I never fail to ask myself why do I torture myself so much! Sigh.. I suppose it is in the name of beauty... I just want to have a firmer butt, a more define pair of legs, less tummy matter hanging out and very importantly a stronger pair of lungs and heart to shout if anyone cross me! There! there is nothing noble about me torturing myself first thing in my weekend morning. Once I get out of the jungle and walk that many steps to get out to the main road for transport home, I pass by many rich and famous houses planted around this jungle sanctuary, I never fail to fantasize about having one of these old colonial looking bungalows. Sigh.. the word still remains fantasize... I cannot even afford the windows!! What more the land and the bricks! Wishful... wishful....

The rest of my Saturday mornings will be occupied doing housewifey chores... laundry, marketing, cooking and perhaps some light gardening. Yes, I lurve my garden. I have paintakingly landscaped and planted all the plants to make my house beautiful. I am proud to say that anyone who passes by my house never fail to stop and look. The hanging pots of orchids that flowers continuously, the lurvely hydrangeas in blue and pink, water orchids and lotus, bamboos and shrubs simply make my house very cozy and welcoming. Anyway, before I know it, my Saturday morning is gone and comes afternoon usually spent with my daughter either at home or out. At times when she goes off with her dad, I am left to my own device and I am never short of devices! I will either plonk myself infront of the TV and watch episodes of Desperate Housewives while busy giving myself a mini facial with face polish, mask and massage or a full hair treatment works... yes, hair all plastered with what looks like cow dung and wrapped up in plastic. You won't want to imagine what I look like. Nothing like those desperate housewives on TV!! I usually stop watching TV once my self beautifying treatment is done and I will scoot off to meet a friend or two.... I just lurve to meet up with my friends and they range from the conservative to the social outcast! Time always flies by just like that when you are having a cup or two with friends...

Evenings are again spent doing some light housework and watching TV. Nothing spectacular about such things except at times I do dress up and go out for some grand dinner just for the heck of it. I mean, life cannot be just living in a box! By the time I actually crawl to bed, it will be around midnight or the wee hours of Sunday morning. It is a habit to sleep that late......

Sundays are usually spent lazing around, going to the market for fun to see if there will be anything new compared to Saturday, supervising my cleaner as to where to scrub, what to wipe while i again potter around the garden, going to the supermarkets and "investigate" what's new in the food world, my favourite world, and perhaps buy a thing or two, cook dinner, have dinner, fold clothes while watching CSI on AXN and lastly, ironing, my most dreaded chore before I turn myself in for some much needed luxury of a warm bath and body scrub. After which, I will oil my entire body with body butter before I call it a night. That is usually some time around midnight and the last thought before sleep envelopes me would be...
"tomorrow is Monday...... Sigh... another week"

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