Monday 18 June 2007

Mistress! oh my mistress...

Another mistress story... We seem to be having quite a few in our local newspapers lately. Hmm... I wonder why? Perhaps it is the current trend? Perhaps this has been THE trend from time of immoral but for some reason, it has never been brought out in public. Shame perhaps? Hmmm...Men and shame? Hmmm.. hard to imagine. Simply hard to imagine... Hmmm...

Today's mistress story is of a different kind. The saying "hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" rings true in this story. Briefly, it is about a 30 something divorcee and a 27 years old very promising man with a bright future. This divorcee was in court charged with getting 2 men to whallop her lurver's legs. He died instead because his head got whallop along with his legs. So now, she would go to jail along with her 2 accomplice and he would lie 6 feet underground making himself useful by becoming fertilizers.... yah.. pretty morbid but hey! that is a fact... live with it... when we die, we go back to earth and become useful to others.. even if in our living years we were nothing near useful to anything or anyone! So.. back to my story... what drove a woman to do such a vindictive thing onto someone she lurves. Oh yah.. she obviously lurve him...

Of course she lurve him. I am not sure if it is lurved as in past tense or lurves as in continuous present tense since he now dead and she will be spending a lot of time in jail to ponder if this lurve is all that worth it. I mean, you got to lurve someone enough to feel hurt and pain.. I mean, would you feel hurt and pain in your heart if a complete stranger would to marry someone else and not you? No right! Who cares if this complete stranger marry the angsana tree next door! But if you lurve this complete stranger, ahhh.. than it will be a different thing.. you would cry enough tears to flood your whole bedroom and your heart would feel like that china teacup that you dropped on the floor when you got news of your beloved marrying the angsana tree! shattered into tiny pieces beyond mending.... Sigh.. that is lurve. That reminds me, someone once told me that the opposite of lurve is never hate and at that time, I cannot fathom this until years later when I had my own heart broken... how true... You got to have lurve in order to hate.

So again, back to my story.. She must have tremendous lurve for him but why did she want to just whallop his legs? Was that his most beautiful body part? Or simply, she thought he would not die from leg injury? Could she have felt so much more hate than lurve for this man in her heart? If so, she would live a life of remorse and regret and by him dying, it was the best punishment for her vindictiveness. No jail term could be as painful and reminding as a lost of a love one. Eternally separated and woman's folly always goes hand in hand.

As for the other woman in this man's life, his mother, I believe she will never see the folly of her doing. Apparently, mommy knows that her son is living in with this divorcee and it doesn't take Albert Einstein to tell you that she is livid with this arrangement and she will do anything and everything to make sure that such arrangements come to an end ala pronto! Sure she did.. the end was that her son died. What a price to pay just to have your way. I mean, mommy went to have an arrange marriage for her son with some nurse because she feels that her son deserves better. By whose standard? The society? Mommy's? And perhaps she also didn't like the idea that someone might just stumble onto the fact that her son is living in, a big sin and shame, with a divorcee, another bigger than life shame. I mean again, where would she put her face if all the ahkahs and ahnehs within the family finds out? So, she must have derived this arranged marriage formula in desperation to end all impending trouble and how right she was. It ended alright. Sonny boy died! Sigh.. sometimes I don't understand mothers.. Why can't mothers see that their son is no longer attached to her like when he is in the womb. The cord has been cut and that should mean something. That should mean that sonny boy is a big boy now and will be in charge of his own happiness and as mommy, her job is ensure that sonny boy's happiness matters most instead of what society thinks and like. Of course if sonny boy is into stealing and murdering, mommy should whip him back into the correct path because such things involve innocent lives.

So, just like any other tragic lurve story, nobody win in this game of lurve. Everybody went home with a deep heartache... Sigh.. mistress! oh my mistress.....

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