Wednesday 20 June 2007

Bosses Are From Hell.. Full STOP!

For the life of me I can never understand the minds of Bosses. What is their problem in life? Why do they derive so much joy from making someone's life a living hell? Are they the spawn of the evil one? I think so... Bosses are definitely from Hell! Either trained by the horned one to inflict misery and spread the feeling of hate around or truly a spawn, no training needed.. it is in the blood.

Yah man, my nearly 2 decade of working has enriched me with all sorts of bossses and I dare say that most are definitely from Hell. I once had a boss who simply do not allow me to mingle or even have lunch with other office workers. Her fear of me telling others about this so called trade secrets were unfounded as the brand we were working on was nothing near famous. So, even if I would like to tell, do you think anyone would be bothered to hear about such trade secrets of a about to die brand? I should think not! Her other idiocrasies are, she got to have different beverages prepared for her daily. Morning will be local coffee and have to be made only when she gets in. Measurements for coffee powder and sugar and water are to be adhered to strictly. Lunch is always take away. I have to go buy for her and thus, have to rush back to office and this render me no personal time to do my own errands or personal time to just take a break from work. Tea-time beverage should be anything she desires for the day. It could be a cup of ovaltine, nescafe, chinese tea, english tea. Again measurements of beverage has to be adhered to strictly.

Sigh, on top of this, work is pathetic as she is firm believer of not using too much computer. Everything must be done manually just in case the computer crash or corrupt, than there will still be a manual copy! That's her reasoning. Where has she been?? The cave?? Haven't she heard of things like back up? Oh, at that time we don't have servers and all those big giant equipment to ensure that nothing is lost in space but we could have made back up copies? Oh no... when I suggested this to her, she was vivid! She told me that she is the boss and she knows best. So, what could I do besides silently praying a prayer that either she hit the jackpot and resign, perhaps a better boss would come along or I hit the jackpot and resign! Finally, she resigned. She didnt hit the jackpot but she hit the SACKED pot instead! Hahaha... the saying "Good always triumph over evil" is so true.

My other nasty encounters of bosses from hell are those who simply don't know what they want, they change their needs faster than the the traffic lights at the busiest part of Kuala Lumpur! One minute is this, another minute is that and if you think this is bad, wait till you hear that when these bosses change their mind, they don't tell you. You are suppose to know! How?? I have to snoop around and do my own investigation that's how. I got to watch who she is having lunch with after my morning meetings with her and very discreetly check with her lunch date if she had mentioned anything. If yes, I got to think of ways to drag out her new needs from this luncher without making the boss look bad or I look incompetent. Once that is achieved, I better get going and cater to this new change!! This is so tiring and tedious because the minute I slip and a mistake is made, I will be branded as incompetent! Not worth the money they pay me! Oh.. I am a seasoned player in this game and everyday, I used to go home feeling all drained and frustrated. I am employed to do a job properly but I can't do it if bosses keep changing their minds without telling me. Sigh... sometimes I tell myself if it is not for the money, which I desperately need then and still need now but not as desperate anymore, I would have stuff these bosses face into the washing machine! Perhaps a good wash and spin will clear that piece of grey matter there!

I used to think that perhaps such madness is gender prone but when I encountered a male bosses who seems to make these lady bosses pale to the background, I realise that the Horned One aka Evil One is not gender bias. Evil One is boys and girls trained. So, I nearly dropped dead when I had the following experience with a male boss. He is someone who thinks that if you can get the job done, you can handle it and therefore it is fine to pile on more work for you. No shame or guilt in asking you to go buy his wife's birth control prescription during your lunch break, handle his personal matters even if it means you have to hang around seedy areas till late at night to show so called potential tenants his vacant property, buy his dog food and deliver it to his house to name a few. When I submitted taxi claims for running such errands for him, he questioned and queried as to why I have to take a taxi and not a public bus! The audascity of him to tell me that taxifare is not claimable! What a prick! He is definitely a prick.

Oh! and if you think it stopped there, you are wrong. He went on to hand me work that I need to do for his children. Make catering arrangements for his daughter's parties, make traveling arrangements for his son, order all sorts of stuff ranging from home furniture to car oil for everyone in the family and friends. Mind you! such arrangements are not a "one time done deal". These people have no quirms in making all sorts of last minute changes and expect everyone to accommodate them. To be caught in between is simply disasterous! When I diplomatically enquired if it would be better for their respective secretaries to handle such things for their bosses, he told me that they are not good and will just mess things up. I wondered if that is the case, will I be getting their secretaries' salary too? Look at the bright side that it is compliment of my job performance? OHHH... Pleeasseee.... I don't need anyone to tell me that I am doing a good job. I know that for a fact! And even if I need to be told, than do it with Money! Nothing beats good old cash to tell me how well I am doing at my job. Don't you all think!?

Oh... and the increment and bonus that come to me was worst than an insult. He expects working hours to be strictly adhered to even if you stay back late the night before. Working overtime is a norm and not compensated. There is also no compassion in allowing me to knock off an hour or two early to attend to my child's needs or even my medical needs. Words like "It looks like I have no choice" will be said and fault finding will be the mission for the next few days until he is satified that you have gotten the message that he is not happy with having to give such allowance. Yes, there is not an ounce of thought that I have put in extra working hours everyday and an occassion hour or two off simply won't render him any "losses"if I am a Profit and Loss statement! Ahhh.. but than again, if I am Profit and Loss thingy, won't he have to work doubly hard at pleasing me or rather make me look very good? Hmmm... bosses!

Hmmm.. bosses! I can't say they are not clever as most of them comes with all sorts of degree from all sorts of universities, either hanging on the wall behind them, at the side of them in their little "throne", managed to spin some money to keep the company afloat but why they lack the leadership qualities in managing another human to be crowned as a good boss is beyond my comprehension. What did I do wrong or didnt understand? I was a dilligent, honest and harworking employee. That's when I realise that the rules they thought you in school is ideal but we are living in reality. Ideals and reality are like heaven and hell.. The don't jive! And that's when I learnt to play the reality game with all its hellish rules... Yup, not ideal but we don't live in an ideal world and definitely not likely to have ideal bosses... So, the conclusion is,

Always impress upon the bosses that you are very capable if the salary is right. The minute the salary is not keeping up with the demands, the capability will also not keep up! Never ever let a boss feel that you are desperate to keep the job. If he as much as gets a hint that you are dead keen and will most probably starve without the job, he will start having this notion that you are at his mercy and hence, treat you anyway and anyhow he feels like it. In other words...Treat them mean, that will keep the bosses keen! This is so true... I see this happening with my current boss! Oh yesss.....

Have a happy working week! It's Monday today!

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