Thursday 14 June 2007

Mistress = Gundik..

Yipppeeeeee!! I did it!! I actually did it! What an achievement for a techno dumbo like me... Hehehe... the first posting appeared after i click Publish Post. Woo Hooooo.....Anyway, I have just finished "skiing" the many newspapers we have in Malaysia and one subject caught my eye... Mistresses have rights too... interesting.... very very interesting..

OK.. very quickly, the story is about a lady who has been a mistress to this old man for 20 over years and both are now fighting over a house which he paid for but register under her name. They share a child which I assume must be in his teens and the old man is not exactly poor. So now, the lurve is gone, they are both fighting tooth and nail over the house? Is it because he is resentful that perhaps he got dumped since he is old and most probably grumpy!? Hehehe.. this is just my assumption.. Anyhow, I can understand why the woman would fight tooth and nail for the house. Afterall, perhaps that is the only possession that she was bestowed with throughout her "tenure"as a mistress and she have a child to think of. But that man!?? Hmm... that brings me to....

This man is so not gracious! He is so ahpiang! Goodness! I mean, come on... no matter whether the affair was great or simply lousy, he spent 2 decades with her and I am sure that should mean something. How different can man be from woman? I think the basic things like feelings should be the same. What more, he is the contributor of half of her child's genes! Didn't this man think of his child when he legal tussle her and in the process dish out all the details for the whole wide world to scrutinise? And as if this is not bad enough, he is quite a wealthy man. Yes, this is not the point and so is the house. The house is not some big time big land mansion or sitting on a big pot of gold. The value of the house is nothing compared to his business of hardware stores (please note the s....means, got plenty!) and jewellery store. So, what is wrong with this man? Spiteful I must say and it is no surprise that the judge have this to say to him...

"She gave 20 years of her life to you and you squeezed her like a lemon and later cast her away like an old shoe. Surely, you cannot use her like that and later claim she has no right"

And I cannot agree more. Well done Judge Sri Ram Gopal. I must say, you are by far, the fairest of all Judges! Yes, we need more Sri Ram Gopal around. Frankly, no woman set out in life to be someone's mistress. Being a mistress is never easy. If you think being a wife to a man that cheats on her is shitty, think what it is like to be a mistress where you will always be in the shadow and life does not have the security that the wedding ring brings.

If a woman willingly be a mistress out of lurve, it will always be very painful for her as her lurve for this man will never be fully reciprocated, not that he dont want to, he can't. Yes, a lot of people will argue that she can walk out and find someone who is not married. But yo! we are talking about lurve here. It is the heart. It is not that easy to walk out on someone, what more if this someone treats you very well and the only thing wrong is that he is married and for some UFO reason, he is not going to divorce his spouse. Yes, it is bitter sweet and for some women, perhaps, the man that made them a mistress is by far the best man they ever had encountered in life. If so, is it worth it to take the risk and walk out and see what happens next? What if next is like Brutos!? Oh dearrrrr is an understatement!

If a woman willingly be a mistress out of money or economic reasons, I should think it will be far worse than in jail! Day in day out hard at work pretending. Yah baby!! You better be damn good at pretending to coo and ahh and pamper that man because if he is not happy, he will fling you off like an old pair of shoe! And what economic are we talking about when you are flung out like that? I dare say that women in a such position is never happy and it is really no fun living in such unhappy situation. Life is doom and gloom!

Doom and gloom is also what womenkind is. I am very sure there are plenty married women out there who is either fuming or plotting a big protest against this little Mistress victory. I believe this stem from fear and no self confidence. Yup, a lot of women fight and bicker amongst themselves instead of standing together and fight injustice to WOMAN. This is one of the few reason why women are "played"thoroughly by men and society since dinosaur roam the planet! Just read what these lady ministers have to say about having China woman as maids....Sigh.. so pathetic and sad.. I definitely cannot bring myself to agree with these ladies. Sigh....

Ok.. I think I better end here and see if I am actually that smart with this blog thingy. Here goes... clicking the publish post button.....

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