Wednesday 20 June 2007

My Little Garden of Eden

This is just one part of my little garden of eden! I am still trying to snap a picture that will have the whole view of my garden but unfortunately I am not very good with the digital camera and focusing. Ya...Ya...Ya... say it out loud.. Techno Dumbo. Sigh, so, I have to wait for the owner of the digital camera to swing by and snap it for me. Well, at least that is a solution!

Let me see what can I tell you about my little garden of eden... Hmmm.. it is the best part of the house besides my bedroom with my bed in it? It is the place where I always entertain my friends may it be for tea, dinners, BBQs, steamboat or simply bullying them into trying my new creation in the food arena? I think the best description of my little garden of eden is that it is the happiest place in my home. It is where I have the most fun! Hahahaha.... Lots of it too. Well, it start out to be that.

I remember when I first moved into this house, I was rather dismay that the space called garden was rather small. It has a plain cement flooring for 3/4 of the floor space and the rest of it was for what I reckon should be grass area but for some reason, it looked more like a snake's home! It was full of weeds, junk and in the middle of it was a real ugly tree. Sigh.. I remember looking at it and feeling shitty everytime I walk in and out moving boxes into the house. It was really a sad case. Anyway, once I got my house in order and had the time, I decided to do something about this sad affair of what I think is called a garden. I know I cannot do anything to the flooring as this is a rented property and for one, I didnt want to invest into something that is not mine, and for another, I am not sure if I am allowed to... I didnt read the Terms & Condition of the Tenancy agreement and don't intend to. Too many words, too technical, I wont be able to understand. It will just be a case of reading and don't know what i am reading. So, might as well forget about it... So, I decided to not do anything to the flooring but I will do plenty to the whole space and that's when I got creative! Hehehehehe....

That was about 4 years ago and my creativity had me buying a picnic table with a bench and 2 chairs, a water features with gives me constant sound of water flowing, a 5 feet width bamboo blinds, 2 lushful green bamboos grown in really large urns for shade, lotus, water orchid and water lilies in pots to please the eyes, hydrangea in pink and blue to add colors, varieties of ginger in red and brown, some of it I don't even know its name, impatients and varieties of japanese roses, all sorts of orchids, herbs, a frangipani tree for shade and fragrant and lots lots of greens into my eden. I have also added a few ornaments here and there... little birds on sticks that will dance when the wind blows, little metal ladybirds sitting prettily on pots, windchimes and tiki lights. I am still getting creative and always on a lookout for new things to add into my little eden. However, as the garden matures, I can see that I have to stop being creative as space is running out with the latest addition of a small kittycat cage that I incorporate inbetween my greens. Yes, since my cat died from being knocked down by a car, I have decided to get a cage for my next kitty. Oh.. it was not difficult to have a cat and garden, infact, they both goes hand in hand. I have many memories of my cat rolling about on the pearl grass area, basking under the sun, all tummy up for some sunshine and kittycat up on the bamboo or plumeria tree!

If you picture a very green compound with peek-a-boo colors dotted here and there you are correct. That's how my little garden of eden looks like from the gate. Many people have stood at the front of my gates looking into my little eden with its "fringe", the end of the porch, lined with orchids and hanging pots of flowers, and admire. That is during daytime. The whole eden will be tranformed on nights that I have my little parties. The many candles, hanging from the ceiling of my porch or on the ground and tiki lights resembles little twinkle stars on ground! And on some nights, the mixture of frangrant from plumeria and other flowers in my little eden can be very seducing. It's simply heavenly.

The best description I have ever received about my little garden of eden is that it has made someone feel like they were in God's playground! I was honored. Truly I was. I mean, I didnt have anything expensive or imported or extra ordinary, everything was either purchase from Ah Lok's nursery or exchanged from friends, so, to be told that my creativity was like God's playground, it was something totally unexpected. Out of this world! But than again, isn't God out of this world!? Ahhhh..... and that's why I named it my little garden of eden....

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