Monday 25 June 2007

I am a Chinese... and Proud of it!

Where have I heard that before? Not exactly the same line but something along that line... Oh! yes, the most famous, hot like shit ongoing court case of this year, all entangled in a web of lurve. A dead Mongolian beauty, a local malay man, the police, a rather mad looking malay man's wife, the big time lawyers, the not so big time lawyers and a new judge. Something along that line, I think. Quite a pretty picture don't you think? Prettier still is the story...a replica of America's famous soap operas which have everyone clued to the TV!

But, today, I am not going into that. I don't really care if the local malay man and the policemen that are involved are going to be hanged till their tongues fall out and their eyes buldge till they burst. If they did it, they deserve it and I will not be a cent richer. If they didn't do it, then they don't deserve it but couldn't afford to battle it out in court for whatever reason, I will also not be a cent poorer...Yup, this is a very shitty attitude but hey! I am not Reuters or Bernama. I am not paid to be nosy.

So, what is my story today? My story is simply me being a Chinese and proud of it! Well, to begin with, there was a period of time, I wasn't exactly thrilled to bits to be of an oriental descendent. When I was young, I used to look into the mirror and wondered for the longest time why are my eyes nothing like those of my masak-masak friends who are Malay or Indian. Mine was smaller and longer although I am one of the lucky ones with double eyelids. But my nose is not that lucky. I have a typical chinese nose, which some unkind people call it button nose. It is just there.. a blob of flesh that functions as a nose. I used to try pinching what is supposely to be the bridge of my nose hoping that it will grow a little higher and give me some definition but, sigh.. it was not meant to be. I still have my chinese nose. But nothing beats my typical chinese mouth. I have the smallest mouth ever. It is just like a rosebud! Small and well defined. I use to hate my mouth. I think it is disproportionate and it makes my already small face looks puffy! Oh! how I hated my features then when I was 5 years old. But many decades later, now that is, I have learnt that my features are pretty and unique just like those pretty paintings of Chinese females that are auctioned off at some big time auction houses like Soethby and Christie's. I have learnt to lurve and appreciate my very Chinese features afterall.

I also proud of the fact that I come from a descendent of very innovative and resilient human being. The Chinese were the first people to have set sail and went all over the world to explore and see what is there to exploit! Stories of Admiral Cheng Ho sailing to India and God Knows where else while the rest of the world including the West were either still in completely darkness or thinks that the world is a flat board is a testimony that the Chinese are more intelligent compared to the rest of living souls on planet earth. Yah, we figure out that the world is round. Yah....bite me for being a pro Chinese. Well, afterall, pasta and gun powder were amongst the thousands of Chinese invention! Yes, you can say that the Chinese have their hands in every possible "cookie jars" that the world have to offer. From astronomy to science to sports. Not bad for a descendent that was always challenged in all possible ways.

Yup, always challenged in all possible ways. Chinese never had a day of peace from time of immortals. It is either civil wars by some big time warlords who thinks he is the son of dragons and therefore was destined to be a leader and unite the whole country to famine and floods which render everyone hungry and dying of all sorts of diseases. I read somewhere once that it was these challenges that has trained the Chinese descendence to be survivors in this world. Yes, apparently such survival skills are encoded into our DNA too! No wonder I lurve that "I will survive" song! Ha Ha Ha Ha! But seriously today, in many countries, Chinese descendence are never viewed or treated kindly because we indirectly have created competitiveness and this has in turn created fear especially amongst the "not so clever" descendence around the world.

Actually, come to think of it, there was only one time long ago where Chinese descendence were brought to their knees by the West. Oh yes, just that one time the whole chinese descendence were weakened badly by addiction. The power of opium addiction was so strong that it corroded and rob the Chinese descendence of everything. Chinese were left weak and prideless and that has created shame. Shame that was hard to bear and a very painful solution has to be made to save the Chinese descendence from further destruction. It was one of Chinese darkest moments but after many years of painful self recovery and lesson learnt, Chinese descendence has emerge once again to join the rest of the world. This time around, stronger than ever and more shrewed. If this is not resilient than I don't know what is.

Of course, there are other little things that also make me proud to be a Chinese! Little things like we are drenched with traditions from the beginning of life to the end, from the beginning of each year to the next, we have all sorts of celebration and dos just to remember by that we are Chinese. We have many dialects representing different part of China and it is a wonder that we all could unify under one common language which is Mandarin and communicate without killing each other. We have thousands and thousands of food recipes to keep our number two hobby alive, which, if you are not aware of, is eating. We, Chinese lurve to eat next to making money. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Yes, I have slowly inculcated my daughter with this pride and lurve of being a Chinese and hope that one day she will also be proud to be a Chinese just like her mom, me. Yes, I am Chinese and Proud of it!


smart terowong said...

Pearls said...

Should we all be surprised that once again men have made degrading remarks on us women? The answer is a resounding NO. We should never be surprised that men here make all sorts of degrading, bias, sexual remarks on women because we women feed into these dimwit men's mentality.

Number 1, for the life of me, I cannot understand why we women must react to such degrading statement. I am very sure that such airhead remarks by men are made purely to irritate women and to seek reaction. Yah, you can say that men are attention seeking airheads!If so, than why fall into that very trap? If men can and want to continue to be airheads giving dumwit remarks, let them be and we women, should be more clever not to feed into such nonsensical behaviour. No

What's your problem pearl? Its not your chinese party, its the malays typical humour. Mind your own tunnel..make sure it is utilised more often..then you wouldnt be so grumpy...

Shan said...

Smart Terowong you're really busy leaving comments everywhere like a loser oozing with embarrassingly simple minded stupidity. Some rubbish about typical malay humour, which is a really pathetic excuse for attacking someone.

Yes Pearl, Smart Terowong paid me a visit too, because I dared to say I didn't like what that politician said about the air asia uniform.

Smart Terowong, please mind my tunnel for me?

Jay Antonio said...

Aiyah! This Lancau Terowong came here too! This Chow Lan comes from the drains of Bangunan UMNO!

Such a Mental Dog really! He hit my sexuality which has nothing to do with the issue of Rotten Baddruddin!

Jay Antonio said...

Smart Terowong need Mental Help & Hopefully his situation is not beyond medical help! Then he's just fit for Hospital Bahagia of Tanjung Rambutan! He is just like Rotten Baddruddin! 2 Kali Lima! Disgrace to Malay Men!