Tuesday 26 June 2007

Like That Also Can Ah? Can What... Why Cannot?

That is how most of us, the common, got to work like hell Malaysians speak. It's our style of expression. Expression of disbelief, expression of sarcasm, expression of surprised, expression of exasperation or simply expression of disinterest! So, it depends on the flow of conversation as to which expression "Like That Also Can Ah? Can What.. why Cannot?"belongs to. Examples..

Recently, all local newspapers had a field day reporting pages after pages, day after day about the court case of this Mongolian beauty that was murdered. In one of their reports, it was reported that, this now blown to pieces, Mongolian beauty and her still alive cousins' immigration entry into our country has been deleted and this has created problems for one of the alive cousin! She couldn't get out of Malaysia and had to go through a whole long mumbo-jumbo process just to go home. Immigration records deleted!? Like That Also Can Ah?? How can this be? Come to think of it, why cannot? Can What.. this is afterall Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!

Still on this blown to pieces Mongolian beauty, apparently, in yet again, another newspaper report, it was reported that the accused wife, a rather mad looking malay woman who reminds me of Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, came to court on the first day wearing a white t-shirt with her title, Mrs Razak Baginda, printed big and bold across her chess. If you think that was not screaming enough, check out the back of her t-shirt.. it says "... and proud of it!" Wahh.. talk about attention seeking.. talk about being a Mad Hatter!!! Like That Also Can Ah?? Can what.. Malaysian mah... I can see that such publicity was done in the name of support but for the life of me, I can think of another few ways to show support to your spouse in "pants on fire" situation.. one of it is not to appear looking like Mad Hatter! For all the women's sake, can someone tell Mrs Razak Baginda to go groom herself up. Prim up or whatever! What's with the old hag look?

Yah man!! Sometimes it just never fail to amaze me that some women just forget that they must live for themselves first than the rest of other people in their lives. I am talking about their looks and health. These women simply neglect these two aspect completely and think that they are doing everyone a great favor. Like That Also Can Ah?? Can what.... it's call Sacrifice mah. I called it craziness. Come on la! Looking all worn out and like something the cat dragged in last night is not exactly pleasing to anyone including ownself, set of eyes what more to the man of house. Let's be very realistic here, man are visually stimulated and whether we like it or not, men need to be stimulated! Well, in every aspect and not just looks but if the looks department is a goner, it won't be long before the other departments join in the goner club! When that happens, men will start looking around, fantasizing around which can be very dangerous as God only knows what is going on in that head with brains!

Yahhh.... I am putting the blame solely on women. Why not? What do you expect when you couldn't be bothered to even comb your hair!? Like That Also Can Ah?? Can What... Why cannot? Well, that is how life is if you want to keep your man happy and in return, he keep you very happy. Of course, you can take that "equal rights" stand and ra-ra about this but please don't cry blue murder when your man sprint faster than any Formula 1 cars to the arms of a sexy siren! Can right?

Oh! talking about right, the other day in the newspaper it was reported that we, the burnt to crisp looking Malaysians are in the midst of having a training center in some don't know how many miles from London town place. Apparently, the report went on to say that quite a large sum of money has been spent and nothing much to show for. The report also went on to say that the town council in UK has not received anything, no plans to renovate the existing place, which is heritage protected or situated in some green belt which can only mean one thing, leave the place as it is! All they, these town council people, had was a few meetings here and there to discuss. But on the other hand, the Ministry and all have come out and say that a lot has been done, progress is on going and yak yak yak... the report say. So, what is actually going on? Like That Also Can Ah?! Don't tell me "Can ah...Why Cannot?" Because it is cannot!! In the first place, do we really need to have a training center in some foggy cold and damp like freezer place to train our sportsmen? Developing potential sportsmen is good but wasting money is definitely not good and this is wasting money. Why so? Because it is in Sterling Pound that's why! I mean, if we are really looking for somewhere cold to train our sportsmen, why not go some cheap cold countries like say.. Siberia?? I am sure trainers and coach can be made available in Siberia and the price will be more than half of what we are going to pay or maybe have paid in Sterling Pound! Hmpf! Like that Also Can Lo!

Yes, there are plenty more of such "Like That Also Can Ah? Can What.. Why Cannot?" examples but at the moment, I just don't feel like writing them anymore. Perhaps in future, when I am in the mood to write about such examples, I will put in a continuation. Yes! Like That Also Can Ah? Of course Can La... it is the end of a work week! It's Friday and I am just waiting for the clock to hit 4pm and I am off! Happy weekend everyone!

Monday 25 June 2007

I am a Chinese... and Proud of it!

Where have I heard that before? Not exactly the same line but something along that line... Oh! yes, the most famous, hot like shit ongoing court case of this year, all entangled in a web of lurve. A dead Mongolian beauty, a local malay man, the police, a rather mad looking malay man's wife, the big time lawyers, the not so big time lawyers and a new judge. Something along that line, I think. Quite a pretty picture don't you think? Prettier still is the story...a replica of America's famous soap operas which have everyone clued to the TV!

But, today, I am not going into that. I don't really care if the local malay man and the policemen that are involved are going to be hanged till their tongues fall out and their eyes buldge till they burst. If they did it, they deserve it and I will not be a cent richer. If they didn't do it, then they don't deserve it but couldn't afford to battle it out in court for whatever reason, I will also not be a cent poorer...Yup, this is a very shitty attitude but hey! I am not Reuters or Bernama. I am not paid to be nosy.

So, what is my story today? My story is simply me being a Chinese and proud of it! Well, to begin with, there was a period of time, I wasn't exactly thrilled to bits to be of an oriental descendent. When I was young, I used to look into the mirror and wondered for the longest time why are my eyes nothing like those of my masak-masak friends who are Malay or Indian. Mine was smaller and longer although I am one of the lucky ones with double eyelids. But my nose is not that lucky. I have a typical chinese nose, which some unkind people call it button nose. It is just there.. a blob of flesh that functions as a nose. I used to try pinching what is supposely to be the bridge of my nose hoping that it will grow a little higher and give me some definition but, sigh.. it was not meant to be. I still have my chinese nose. But nothing beats my typical chinese mouth. I have the smallest mouth ever. It is just like a rosebud! Small and well defined. I use to hate my mouth. I think it is disproportionate and it makes my already small face looks puffy! Oh! how I hated my features then when I was 5 years old. But many decades later, now that is, I have learnt that my features are pretty and unique just like those pretty paintings of Chinese females that are auctioned off at some big time auction houses like Soethby and Christie's. I have learnt to lurve and appreciate my very Chinese features afterall.

I also proud of the fact that I come from a descendent of very innovative and resilient human being. The Chinese were the first people to have set sail and went all over the world to explore and see what is there to exploit! Stories of Admiral Cheng Ho sailing to India and God Knows where else while the rest of the world including the West were either still in completely darkness or thinks that the world is a flat board is a testimony that the Chinese are more intelligent compared to the rest of living souls on planet earth. Yah, we figure out that the world is round. Yah....bite me for being a pro Chinese. Well, afterall, pasta and gun powder were amongst the thousands of Chinese invention! Yes, you can say that the Chinese have their hands in every possible "cookie jars" that the world have to offer. From astronomy to science to sports. Not bad for a descendent that was always challenged in all possible ways.

Yup, always challenged in all possible ways. Chinese never had a day of peace from time of immortals. It is either civil wars by some big time warlords who thinks he is the son of dragons and therefore was destined to be a leader and unite the whole country to famine and floods which render everyone hungry and dying of all sorts of diseases. I read somewhere once that it was these challenges that has trained the Chinese descendence to be survivors in this world. Yes, apparently such survival skills are encoded into our DNA too! No wonder I lurve that "I will survive" song! Ha Ha Ha Ha! But seriously today, in many countries, Chinese descendence are never viewed or treated kindly because we indirectly have created competitiveness and this has in turn created fear especially amongst the "not so clever" descendence around the world.

Actually, come to think of it, there was only one time long ago where Chinese descendence were brought to their knees by the West. Oh yes, just that one time the whole chinese descendence were weakened badly by addiction. The power of opium addiction was so strong that it corroded and rob the Chinese descendence of everything. Chinese were left weak and prideless and that has created shame. Shame that was hard to bear and a very painful solution has to be made to save the Chinese descendence from further destruction. It was one of Chinese darkest moments but after many years of painful self recovery and lesson learnt, Chinese descendence has emerge once again to join the rest of the world. This time around, stronger than ever and more shrewed. If this is not resilient than I don't know what is.

Of course, there are other little things that also make me proud to be a Chinese! Little things like we are drenched with traditions from the beginning of life to the end, from the beginning of each year to the next, we have all sorts of celebration and dos just to remember by that we are Chinese. We have many dialects representing different part of China and it is a wonder that we all could unify under one common language which is Mandarin and communicate without killing each other. We have thousands and thousands of food recipes to keep our number two hobby alive, which, if you are not aware of, is eating. We, Chinese lurve to eat next to making money. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Yes, I have slowly inculcated my daughter with this pride and lurve of being a Chinese and hope that one day she will also be proud to be a Chinese just like her mom, me. Yes, I am Chinese and Proud of it!

Sunday 24 June 2007

What Pisses Me Off!

Lots of things! Which one shall I start with?

The government. Yup, most definitely the government. I shall start with the ones from the top! I am not trying to be political bias or incite a big internal war as it will not be of any benefit to me if there is no stablity in my home ground but some things just need to be said and say I shall!

It is true that not everyone will be happy with how the country is run but hey! sometimes, the mistakes or idiocrasies these head of government makes are simply unforgivable. How can these people who are entrust to uphold the law and govern with transparency make such glaring mistake? Perhaps I am too kind to think that it is a mistake. A genuine human error, an unintentional action that cause harm or disharmony, an oversight of things, lack of foresight, misinterpretation of meaning.. oh! the damn list can go on and on and on but the fact of the matter is, it is done wrong and everyone including Ahsoh, the roadside sweeper, knows it! Perhaps I should think like a lot of other blue MyKad holders who look beyond the innocence of the word mistake. It is intentionally done! It is no mistake... if they can pull it off. Yes, rather clever, try their luck and see if they can get away with murder and in the event they can't, they turn around and say, it is a mistake. Did these buggers sincerely think that nobody will question or probe if things look "scammy"? Or these buggers simply think that they are in control and will swat any busybodies who dare to probe or question. For crying out loud, mistakes cost all of us, the blue MyKad holders, money! Money that we bleed and shed tears for. We have to make lots of personal sacrifices just to contribute to the country's piggy bank and these so called leaders or heads of department or representatives got no decency to feel ashamed for making such blatantly stupid mistakes. Oh yes! I am still very nice to say it is a mistake and not some evil intention to cheat or steal or worse swindle us! These buggers simply got no moral.

But the best part is, these buggers can and will come out over and over again to talk about moral, to talk about responsibility, to talk about dedication, to talk about serving the country is a satisfaction beyond comprehension. Yah right! It is a satisfaction all right! Self gratification and satisfaction I must say! Doesn't it make you want to puke, roll over and just die!? Well, isn't our vote that put some of these buggers up there to make a mockery of us? It does and that's why I don't watch our local news. It is full of it and we think watching some Hong Kong made gangster movie is voilent.. than what is hearing someone repeatedly lie to us? A comedy??? What! Everybody Loves Raymond sitcom? Oh dear!!!!! Bugger!

Well, since we are governed by such buggers who goes around in their sleek expenso motor vehicle and police escort, what do you expect of the majority blue MyKad holders? Of course, a lot will follow or shall I say ape such antics. Oh yes, everyday I will have at least 1 close encounters of such horrifying antics. People who are rude and think nothing of it, infact they will just wham it right across my face and know that I will not want to stoop to their level to retaliate. Yup, try taking the train in the morning. There I will be standing at the door all cramped up with someone else's face inches away from my head, another human will have the audascity to compress me further in with their size just so that they can get in! I mean, the train is already full and what is wrong with waiting for the next!?? WHAT!? I have to wait for many trains to pass before I can get into one, so, what is the problem with waiting for the next? Or do these people think that if I could move further in, I will not? Are they blind or simply rude!? Is it any of my problem that such people got no time management or that the train management sucks!? No right!? I pay for the train ride too for goodness sake and definitely don't deserved to be squashed beyond recognition!

People who will try their upmost best to cheat you while the sun is still climbing up to start its day work. Oh yes! such people are aplenty! Crawling and milling amongst us. Not just the well dressed in posh areas, it is everywhere. What is wrong with these people? Don't they know that intentionally cheating someone is a crime and going to jail is not exactly holiday in the Bahamas! Or are such people trying to pull a fast one and hope that they can get away with the most common excuse, it was a mistake! Mistake my ass! Oops! sorry for such language.... Ooops...

People who are plain lazy. This, I have nothing to say except that if life have blessed them with fortune that they can lulled in, thank God! But if they are not so blessed and have to work for wages, it is a pure torture to those who have to put up with such nonsense! Such lazy people are shameless to the core and they are proud of it. They think everyone owes them a living! Try dealing with the hordes of government servant. From the Pengarah to the kerani, you will need to have the stamina of the olympics marathon runner to deal with them. They don't just make you run from floor to floor within the same ministry, they will also make you run inter-ministries! And the thought that they screamed they deserve a pay rise is a mockery to those who worked hard for a living. People like me who work mighty hard just to feed my daughter and myself! What does that make me? Will I be given some big time cash reward and some plastic throphy in recognition of being hardworking!? No... let's get this correct. Working hard and right is a basic human virtue. I do it not because I will be rewarded. I do it because it is required of me as a living soul who find joy and a sense of accomplishment over a job well done! Get it right, my fellow human!

People who simply don't have the right basic principals in life. I see such people everyday. I read about such people everyday. These people will complain and complain about how not right things are but yet, they refuse to do anything about their situation. Women who complain about how badly they are treated by the opposite sex but yet find excuses for the opposite sex and themselves. Parents who never did a day's worth of parenting but expect to be treated and lurved by their children. Bosses who criticize and cry foul over their employee's work but yet don't realise that they are paying peanuts, what do they expect if not monkey?? The basic principal in life is that you treat others how you would like to be treated. If you are not getting a fair deal, than move on. There is always that monster courage in us to move on if we so wishes but it is not without pains and heartaches. Nothing is without its price is another basic principal in life. So, never ever think that there is a free lunch somewhere and being weak is an excuse!

GOD!!! Living right is tough!

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Bosses Are From Hell.. Full STOP!

For the life of me I can never understand the minds of Bosses. What is their problem in life? Why do they derive so much joy from making someone's life a living hell? Are they the spawn of the evil one? I think so... Bosses are definitely from Hell! Either trained by the horned one to inflict misery and spread the feeling of hate around or truly a spawn, no training needed.. it is in the blood.

Yah man, my nearly 2 decade of working has enriched me with all sorts of bossses and I dare say that most are definitely from Hell. I once had a boss who simply do not allow me to mingle or even have lunch with other office workers. Her fear of me telling others about this so called trade secrets were unfounded as the brand we were working on was nothing near famous. So, even if I would like to tell, do you think anyone would be bothered to hear about such trade secrets of a about to die brand? I should think not! Her other idiocrasies are, she got to have different beverages prepared for her daily. Morning will be local coffee and have to be made only when she gets in. Measurements for coffee powder and sugar and water are to be adhered to strictly. Lunch is always take away. I have to go buy for her and thus, have to rush back to office and this render me no personal time to do my own errands or personal time to just take a break from work. Tea-time beverage should be anything she desires for the day. It could be a cup of ovaltine, nescafe, chinese tea, english tea. Again measurements of beverage has to be adhered to strictly.

Sigh, on top of this, work is pathetic as she is firm believer of not using too much computer. Everything must be done manually just in case the computer crash or corrupt, than there will still be a manual copy! That's her reasoning. Where has she been?? The cave?? Haven't she heard of things like back up? Oh, at that time we don't have servers and all those big giant equipment to ensure that nothing is lost in space but we could have made back up copies? Oh no... when I suggested this to her, she was vivid! She told me that she is the boss and she knows best. So, what could I do besides silently praying a prayer that either she hit the jackpot and resign, perhaps a better boss would come along or I hit the jackpot and resign! Finally, she resigned. She didnt hit the jackpot but she hit the SACKED pot instead! Hahaha... the saying "Good always triumph over evil" is so true.

My other nasty encounters of bosses from hell are those who simply don't know what they want, they change their needs faster than the the traffic lights at the busiest part of Kuala Lumpur! One minute is this, another minute is that and if you think this is bad, wait till you hear that when these bosses change their mind, they don't tell you. You are suppose to know! How?? I have to snoop around and do my own investigation that's how. I got to watch who she is having lunch with after my morning meetings with her and very discreetly check with her lunch date if she had mentioned anything. If yes, I got to think of ways to drag out her new needs from this luncher without making the boss look bad or I look incompetent. Once that is achieved, I better get going and cater to this new change!! This is so tiring and tedious because the minute I slip and a mistake is made, I will be branded as incompetent! Not worth the money they pay me! Oh.. I am a seasoned player in this game and everyday, I used to go home feeling all drained and frustrated. I am employed to do a job properly but I can't do it if bosses keep changing their minds without telling me. Sigh... sometimes I tell myself if it is not for the money, which I desperately need then and still need now but not as desperate anymore, I would have stuff these bosses face into the washing machine! Perhaps a good wash and spin will clear that piece of grey matter there!

I used to think that perhaps such madness is gender prone but when I encountered a male bosses who seems to make these lady bosses pale to the background, I realise that the Horned One aka Evil One is not gender bias. Evil One is fair..got boys and girls trained. So, I nearly dropped dead when I had the following experience with a male boss. He is someone who thinks that if you can get the job done, you can handle it and therefore it is fine to pile on more work for you. No shame or guilt in asking you to go buy his wife's birth control prescription during your lunch break, handle his personal matters even if it means you have to hang around seedy areas till late at night to show so called potential tenants his vacant property, buy his dog food and deliver it to his house to name a few. When I submitted taxi claims for running such errands for him, he questioned and queried as to why I have to take a taxi and not a public bus! The audascity of him to tell me that taxifare is not claimable! What a prick! He is definitely a prick.

Oh! and if you think it stopped there, you are wrong. He went on to hand me work that I need to do for his children. Make catering arrangements for his daughter's parties, make traveling arrangements for his son, order all sorts of stuff ranging from home furniture to car oil for everyone in the family and friends. Mind you! such arrangements are not a "one time done deal". These people have no quirms in making all sorts of last minute changes and expect everyone to accommodate them. To be caught in between is simply disasterous! When I diplomatically enquired if it would be better for their respective secretaries to handle such things for their bosses, he told me that they are not good and will just mess things up. I wondered if that is the case, will I be getting their secretaries' salary too? Look at the bright side that it is compliment of my job performance? OHHH... Pleeasseee.... I don't need anyone to tell me that I am doing a good job. I know that for a fact! And even if I need to be told, than do it with Money! Nothing beats good old cash to tell me how well I am doing at my job. Don't you all think!?

Oh... and the increment and bonus that come to me was worst than an insult. He expects working hours to be strictly adhered to even if you stay back late the night before. Working overtime is a norm and not compensated. There is also no compassion in allowing me to knock off an hour or two early to attend to my child's needs or even my medical needs. Words like "It looks like I have no choice" will be said and fault finding will be the mission for the next few days until he is satified that you have gotten the message that he is not happy with having to give such allowance. Yes, there is not an ounce of thought that I have put in extra working hours everyday and an occassion hour or two off simply won't render him any "losses"if I am a Profit and Loss statement! Ahhh.. but than again, if I am Profit and Loss thingy, won't he have to work doubly hard at pleasing me or rather make me look very good? Hmmm... bosses!

Hmmm.. bosses! I can't say they are not clever as most of them comes with all sorts of degree from all sorts of universities, either hanging on the wall behind them, at the side of them in their little "throne", managed to spin some money to keep the company afloat but why they lack the leadership qualities in managing another human to be crowned as a good boss is beyond my comprehension. What did I do wrong or didnt understand? I was a dilligent, honest and harworking employee. That's when I realise that the rules they thought you in school is ideal but we are living in reality. Ideals and reality are like heaven and hell.. The don't jive! And that's when I learnt to play the reality game with all its hellish rules... Yup, not ideal but we don't live in an ideal world and definitely not likely to have ideal bosses... So, the conclusion is,

Always impress upon the bosses that you are very capable if the salary is right. The minute the salary is not keeping up with the demands, the capability will also not keep up! Never ever let a boss feel that you are desperate to keep the job. If he as much as gets a hint that you are dead keen and will most probably starve without the job, he will start having this notion that you are at his mercy and hence, treat you anyway and anyhow he feels like it. In other words...Treat them mean, that will keep the bosses keen! This is so true... I see this happening with my current boss! Oh yesss.....

Have a happy working week! It's Monday today!

My Little Garden of Eden

This is just one part of my little garden of eden! I am still trying to snap a picture that will have the whole view of my garden but unfortunately I am not very good with the digital camera and focusing. Ya...Ya...Ya... say it out loud.. Techno Dumbo. Sigh, so, I have to wait for the owner of the digital camera to swing by and snap it for me. Well, at least that is a solution!

Let me see what can I tell you about my little garden of eden... Hmmm.. it is the best part of the house besides my bedroom with my bed in it? It is the place where I always entertain my friends may it be for tea, dinners, BBQs, steamboat or simply bullying them into trying my new creation in the food arena? I think the best description of my little garden of eden is that it is the happiest place in my home. It is where I have the most fun! Hahahaha.... Lots of it too. Well, it start out to be that.

I remember when I first moved into this house, I was rather dismay that the space called garden was rather small. It has a plain cement flooring for 3/4 of the floor space and the rest of it was for what I reckon should be grass area but for some reason, it looked more like a snake's home! It was full of weeds, junk and in the middle of it was a real ugly tree. Sigh.. I remember looking at it and feeling shitty everytime I walk in and out moving boxes into the house. It was really a sad case. Anyway, once I got my house in order and had the time, I decided to do something about this sad affair of what I think is called a garden. I know I cannot do anything to the flooring as this is a rented property and for one, I didnt want to invest into something that is not mine, and for another, I am not sure if I am allowed to... I didnt read the Terms & Condition of the Tenancy agreement and don't intend to. Too many words, too technical, I wont be able to understand. It will just be a case of reading and don't know what i am reading. So, might as well forget about it... So, I decided to not do anything to the flooring but I will do plenty to the whole space and that's when I got creative! Hehehehehe....

That was about 4 years ago and my creativity had me buying a picnic table with a bench and 2 chairs, a water features with gives me constant sound of water flowing, a 5 feet width bamboo blinds, 2 lushful green bamboos grown in really large urns for shade, lotus, water orchid and water lilies in pots to please the eyes, hydrangea in pink and blue to add colors, varieties of ginger in red and brown, some of it I don't even know its name, impatients and varieties of japanese roses, all sorts of orchids, herbs, a frangipani tree for shade and fragrant and lots lots of greens into my eden. I have also added a few ornaments here and there... little birds on sticks that will dance when the wind blows, little metal ladybirds sitting prettily on pots, windchimes and tiki lights. I am still getting creative and always on a lookout for new things to add into my little eden. However, as the garden matures, I can see that I have to stop being creative as space is running out with the latest addition of a small kittycat cage that I incorporate inbetween my greens. Yes, since my cat died from being knocked down by a car, I have decided to get a cage for my next kitty. Oh.. it was not difficult to have a cat and garden, infact, they both goes hand in hand. I have many memories of my cat rolling about on the pearl grass area, basking under the sun, all tummy up for some sunshine and kittycat up on the bamboo or plumeria tree!

If you picture a very green compound with peek-a-boo colors dotted here and there you are correct. That's how my little garden of eden looks like from the gate. Many people have stood at the front of my gates looking into my little eden with its "fringe", the end of the porch, lined with orchids and hanging pots of flowers, and admire. That is during daytime. The whole eden will be tranformed on nights that I have my little parties. The many candles, hanging from the ceiling of my porch or on the ground and tiki lights resembles little twinkle stars on ground! And on some nights, the mixture of frangrant from plumeria and other flowers in my little eden can be very seducing. It's simply heavenly.

The best description I have ever received about my little garden of eden is that it has made someone feel like they were in God's playground! I was honored. Truly I was. I mean, I didnt have anything expensive or imported or extra ordinary, everything was either purchase from Ah Lok's nursery or exchanged from friends, so, to be told that my creativity was like God's playground, it was something totally unexpected. Out of this world! But than again, isn't God out of this world!? Ahhhh..... and that's why I named it my little garden of eden....

Monday 18 June 2007


Yup... my weekends always zoom pass by just like that and by Sunday, I will have this shocked out cat look on my face from doing too many things all at the same time. Yup... weekends are just like weekdays for me. Yup... it can get a bit overwhelming at times but most of the time, i enjoy every minute of it. That's life.

My typical weekend day starts at 7am with seeing my daughter up the school bus and I dash off for some much needed workout at the jungle. Nope, I don't swing from treetops to treetops. I just do my very best not to die while climbing and trekking the only jungle in Petaling Jaya. Sometimes it is not too bad, sometimes it is like as if I will just die there in the jungle and enrich all the flora around! Everytime without fail, at the peak of the most strenous part of the trek, I never fail to ask myself why do I torture myself so much! Sigh.. I suppose it is in the name of beauty... I just want to have a firmer butt, a more define pair of legs, less tummy matter hanging out and very importantly a stronger pair of lungs and heart to shout if anyone cross me! There! there is nothing noble about me torturing myself first thing in my weekend morning. Once I get out of the jungle and walk that many steps to get out to the main road for transport home, I pass by many rich and famous houses planted around this jungle sanctuary, I never fail to fantasize about having one of these old colonial looking bungalows. Sigh.. the word still remains fantasize... I cannot even afford the windows!! What more the land and the bricks! Wishful... wishful....

The rest of my Saturday mornings will be occupied doing housewifey chores... laundry, marketing, cooking and perhaps some light gardening. Yes, I lurve my garden. I have paintakingly landscaped and planted all the plants to make my house beautiful. I am proud to say that anyone who passes by my house never fail to stop and look. The hanging pots of orchids that flowers continuously, the lurvely hydrangeas in blue and pink, water orchids and lotus, bamboos and shrubs simply make my house very cozy and welcoming. Anyway, before I know it, my Saturday morning is gone and comes afternoon usually spent with my daughter either at home or out. At times when she goes off with her dad, I am left to my own device and I am never short of devices! I will either plonk myself infront of the TV and watch episodes of Desperate Housewives while busy giving myself a mini facial with face polish, mask and massage or a full hair treatment works... yes, hair all plastered with what looks like cow dung and wrapped up in plastic. You won't want to imagine what I look like. Nothing like those desperate housewives on TV!! I usually stop watching TV once my self beautifying treatment is done and I will scoot off to meet a friend or two.... I just lurve to meet up with my friends and they range from the conservative to the social outcast! Time always flies by just like that when you are having a cup or two with friends...

Evenings are again spent doing some light housework and watching TV. Nothing spectacular about such things except at times I do dress up and go out for some grand dinner just for the heck of it. I mean, life cannot be just living in a box! By the time I actually crawl to bed, it will be around midnight or the wee hours of Sunday morning. It is a habit to sleep that late......

Sundays are usually spent lazing around, going to the market for fun to see if there will be anything new compared to Saturday, supervising my cleaner as to where to scrub, what to wipe while i again potter around the garden, going to the supermarkets and "investigate" what's new in the food world, my favourite world, and perhaps buy a thing or two, cook dinner, have dinner, fold clothes while watching CSI on AXN and lastly, ironing, my most dreaded chore before I turn myself in for some much needed luxury of a warm bath and body scrub. After which, I will oil my entire body with body butter before I call it a night. That is usually some time around midnight and the last thought before sleep envelopes me would be...
"tomorrow is Monday...... Sigh... another week"

Mistress! oh my mistress...

Another mistress story... We seem to be having quite a few in our local newspapers lately. Hmm... I wonder why? Perhaps it is the current trend? Perhaps this has been THE trend from time of immoral but for some reason, it has never been brought out in public. Shame perhaps? Hmmm...Men and shame? Hmmm.. hard to imagine. Simply hard to imagine... Hmmm...

Today's mistress story is of a different kind. The saying "hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" rings true in this story. Briefly, it is about a 30 something divorcee and a 27 years old very promising man with a bright future. This divorcee was in court charged with getting 2 men to whallop her lurver's legs. He died instead because his head got whallop along with his legs. So now, she would go to jail along with her 2 accomplice and he would lie 6 feet underground making himself useful by becoming fertilizers.... yah.. pretty morbid but hey! that is a fact... live with it... when we die, we go back to earth and become useful to others.. even if in our living years we were nothing near useful to anything or anyone! So.. back to my story... what drove a woman to do such a vindictive thing onto someone she lurves. Oh yah.. she obviously lurve him...

Of course she lurve him. I am not sure if it is lurved as in past tense or lurves as in continuous present tense since he now dead and she will be spending a lot of time in jail to ponder if this lurve is all that worth it. I mean, you got to lurve someone enough to feel hurt and pain.. I mean, would you feel hurt and pain in your heart if a complete stranger would to marry someone else and not you? No right! Who cares if this complete stranger marry the angsana tree next door! But if you lurve this complete stranger, ahhh.. than it will be a different thing.. you would cry enough tears to flood your whole bedroom and your heart would feel like that china teacup that you dropped on the floor when you got news of your beloved marrying the angsana tree! shattered into tiny pieces beyond mending.... Sigh.. that is lurve. That reminds me, someone once told me that the opposite of lurve is never hate and at that time, I cannot fathom this until years later when I had my own heart broken... how true... You got to have lurve in order to hate.

So again, back to my story.. She must have tremendous lurve for him but why did she want to just whallop his legs? Was that his most beautiful body part? Or simply, she thought he would not die from leg injury? Could she have felt so much more hate than lurve for this man in her heart? If so, she would live a life of remorse and regret and by him dying, it was the best punishment for her vindictiveness. No jail term could be as painful and reminding as a lost of a love one. Eternally separated and woman's folly always goes hand in hand.

As for the other woman in this man's life, his mother, I believe she will never see the folly of her doing. Apparently, mommy knows that her son is living in with this divorcee and it doesn't take Albert Einstein to tell you that she is livid with this arrangement and she will do anything and everything to make sure that such arrangements come to an end ala pronto! Sure she did.. the end was that her son died. What a price to pay just to have your way. I mean, mommy went to have an arrange marriage for her son with some nurse because she feels that her son deserves better. By whose standard? The society? Mommy's? And perhaps she also didn't like the idea that someone might just stumble onto the fact that her son is living in, a big sin and shame, with a divorcee, another bigger than life shame. I mean again, where would she put her face if all the ahkahs and ahnehs within the family finds out? So, she must have derived this arranged marriage formula in desperation to end all impending trouble and how right she was. It ended alright. Sonny boy died! Sigh.. sometimes I don't understand mothers.. Why can't mothers see that their son is no longer attached to her like when he is in the womb. The cord has been cut and that should mean something. That should mean that sonny boy is a big boy now and will be in charge of his own happiness and as mommy, her job is ensure that sonny boy's happiness matters most instead of what society thinks and like. Of course if sonny boy is into stealing and murdering, mommy should whip him back into the correct path because such things involve innocent lives.

So, just like any other tragic lurve story, nobody win in this game of lurve. Everybody went home with a deep heartache... Sigh.. mistress! oh my mistress.....

Thursday 14 June 2007

Mistress = Gundik..

Yipppeeeeee!! I did it!! I actually did it! What an achievement for a techno dumbo like me... Hehehe... the first posting appeared after i click Publish Post. Woo Hooooo.....Anyway, I have just finished "skiing" the many newspapers we have in Malaysia and one subject caught my eye... Mistresses have rights too... interesting.... very very interesting..

OK.. very quickly, the story is about a lady who has been a mistress to this old man for 20 over years and both are now fighting over a house which he paid for but register under her name. They share a child which I assume must be in his teens and the old man is not exactly poor. So now, the lurve is gone, they are both fighting tooth and nail over the house? Is it because he is resentful that perhaps he got dumped since he is old and most probably grumpy!? Hehehe.. this is just my assumption.. Anyhow, I can understand why the woman would fight tooth and nail for the house. Afterall, perhaps that is the only possession that she was bestowed with throughout her "tenure"as a mistress and she have a child to think of. But that man!?? Hmm... that brings me to....

This man is so not gracious! He is so ahpiang! Goodness! I mean, come on... no matter whether the affair was great or simply lousy, he spent 2 decades with her and I am sure that should mean something. How different can man be from woman? I think the basic things like feelings should be the same. What more, he is the contributor of half of her child's genes! Didn't this man think of his child when he legal tussle her and in the process dish out all the details for the whole wide world to scrutinise? And as if this is not bad enough, he is quite a wealthy man. Yes, this is not the point and so is the house. The house is not some big time big land mansion or sitting on a big pot of gold. The value of the house is nothing compared to his business of hardware stores (please note the s....means, got plenty!) and jewellery store. So, what is wrong with this man? Spiteful I must say and it is no surprise that the judge have this to say to him...

"She gave 20 years of her life to you and you squeezed her like a lemon and later cast her away like an old shoe. Surely, you cannot use her like that and later claim she has no right"

And I cannot agree more. Well done Judge Sri Ram Gopal. I must say, you are by far, the fairest of all Judges! Yes, we need more Sri Ram Gopal around. Frankly, no woman set out in life to be someone's mistress. Being a mistress is never easy. If you think being a wife to a man that cheats on her is shitty, think what it is like to be a mistress where you will always be in the shadow and life does not have the security that the wedding ring brings.

If a woman willingly be a mistress out of lurve, it will always be very painful for her as her lurve for this man will never be fully reciprocated, not that he dont want to, he can't. Yes, a lot of people will argue that she can walk out and find someone who is not married. But yo! we are talking about lurve here. It is the heart. It is not that easy to walk out on someone, what more if this someone treats you very well and the only thing wrong is that he is married and for some UFO reason, he is not going to divorce his spouse. Yes, it is bitter sweet and for some women, perhaps, the man that made them a mistress is by far the best man they ever had encountered in life. If so, is it worth it to take the risk and walk out and see what happens next? What if next is like Brutos!? Oh dearrrrr is an understatement!

If a woman willingly be a mistress out of money or economic reasons, I should think it will be far worse than in jail! Day in day out hard at work pretending. Yah baby!! You better be damn good at pretending to coo and ahh and pamper that man because if he is not happy, he will fling you off like an old pair of shoe! And what economic are we talking about when you are flung out like that? I dare say that women in a such position is never happy and it is really no fun living in such unhappy situation. Life is doom and gloom!

Doom and gloom is also what womenkind is. I am very sure there are plenty married women out there who is either fuming or plotting a big protest against this little Mistress victory. I believe this stem from fear and no self confidence. Yup, a lot of women fight and bicker amongst themselves instead of standing together and fight injustice to WOMAN. This is one of the few reason why women are "played"thoroughly by men and society since dinosaur roam the planet! Just read what these lady ministers have to say about having China woman as maids....Sigh.. so pathetic and sad.. I definitely cannot bring myself to agree with these ladies. Sigh....

Ok.. I think I better end here and see if I am actually that smart with this blog thingy. Here goes... clicking the publish post button.....

Friday, 15th June

Ok.. inspite of me being a techno dumbo, I managed to get to this stage... not bad .. simply not bad at all. There is still hope for a nearly 40 years old techno dumbo! Hoorahhh..

Ok.. what shall I blog about? Hmm... I should think it would be everything.. from what I read or happened to read to how I feel today... I wonder if I will eventually make some money out of this? Hmmm....

Ok.. start... I didnt actually chose today to start my blog... it is one of those just by the way thingy that happened while I was busy reading someone else's blog and decided to be brave and click at that little icon that says CREATE A BLOG! Hehehe... and taa daaa... here I am! Oh! just in case you people don't know.. I am a single parent with a 12 years old daughter, living in the big city call Kuala Lumpur and trying hard to enjoy life.. sigh.. the golden word is trying.... Hahaha... well, it is really not easy you know.. I have to work, take care of my 12 years old which incidentally needs a lot of attention, try to have a social life as in have time for friends, have time for boyfriend, have time for myself on top of all the must do stuff that all of us must do in order to qualify as a living soul! Hahaha...

Ok..stop.. I shall click PUBLISH POST and see if this will appear... cross fingers and toes that it will..........